Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring has Sprung!

Well, even if it's not, we're making it official...spring has finally arrived south of the Mason-Dixon line. At least it was spring-like for a few days last week...and then it hit 90 on Sunday (we have very abbreviated seasons down here in case any of you northerners were wondering). So, we were out soaking up as many rays as floppy hats will allow. Now I understand why so many people were astounded when they'd see Aubrey in a hat when she was less than a year old. I don't know how many times I heard, "I can't believe she keeps it on!" Emma is very much less than impressed with the whole hat process. I have to be quicker than she is in order to snap a picture before the hat is flying through the air. Except for the hat I glued (just kidding) on her bald little head Sunday. She actually left it on! Aubrey was called the muffin man when she wore this outfit, and half a dozen people said they thought they were looking at Aubrey when they saw Emma Sunday.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy St. Patty's!

In honor of one of my adopted Chicago dads, a special St. Patrick's Day wish to one and all.
(It's either this annual homage to the Irish, or naming one of my children after him. With my husband comandeering the middle name, I'm just not sure Patrick Boaz would work real well.)
So, kick back and enjoy the grins:
What brew was in your bottle, Emma??
As you can see we've started Emma on the Irish rogaine therapy in hopes of preventing a permanently shiny scalp.
And Aubrey is balancing the act with the protestant orange for the family.
We have our irish limits, you know!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


While we were celebrating the accomplishments of our younger daughter last night (see post below) our elder decided to get in on the action as well. As she was bouncing and just being her general bubbly self she proceeded to launch herself head-long onto the floor. All of which would be fine, if the corner of my hope chest had not been between her head and her intended destination. (For those of you panicking, she was on the floor to begin with - I don't allow bungy jumping from any furniture or fixtures.)
Let the wailing begin. After she calmed herself down to a lower decibel I asked if she wanted the ice pack (silly question, mommy!). She retrieved it from the freezer and you see the end result. Don't worry...there wasn't any . She's just a drama queen.

Sooooo Big!

Our favorite question for our smallest family member (that would now be Emma as Tucker ranks 4th of 5) is, "How big is Emma?" To which she grins and usually starts hitting her chest, but occasionally will throw her hands above head (the desired result).
Well, last night she surprised us once again. While David was folding some laundry he stuck her in the clothes basket and within a few seconds I heard, "Quick! Get the camera!" By the time I tracked it down I was afraid she was going to be too tired to perform, but she loved pulling herself up and then plopping down in the empty basket!
She is crawling now (GI Josie, but nonetheless)
and Aubrey is discovering that none of her toys
or books are sacred.
(Turn about is fair play, I say! =)
Oh dear, my little is growing up. And no, that doesn't mean it's time for another one. Lest you forget, we have a puppy.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Mr. Wonderful

I awoke this morning to a surprise and reminder of one of the many reasons I love the man of my heart.
He left an incredible card and gift bag (Boyds Bears figurine) on the breakfast table, celebrating our engagement "anniversary."
It was 5 years ago today he proposed (sorry, didn't have a digital camera back then) and it's one of those strange sensations - part of me feels like it was yesterday and the other (older?!?) part feels like it was a lifetime ago.
It amazes me how the Lord really does save the best for those who wait (whether always willingly, I'd have to admit no) for Him.
I'm so thankful He saved me from myself and selfish desires and for David.
Had I known how incredible this married life would be I think it would have made the wait easier, but the lessons learned would have been fewer.
I'm also thankful for the challenges and difficult decisions He brings so that we can face them together now. And then there's the incredible blessings of Aubrey and Emma. Wow, how things change in 5 short years.
David, thank you for being you and for loving me
in spite of myself.
Lumtty, namat. Always

Friday, March 2, 2007

Emma Sophia

Well, I'm going to give this post one more valiant attempt and then I'm going to throw things out the window if it doesn't work. As I tried to say last week when I first posted this, life has improved (at least my outlook has) since my fiasco-filled previous week. (Did I mention that I had a flat tire on last Thursday morning? At least it was in the garage and not on Independence Blvd!) Anyway, I finally took the time to roll around with my baby the other day and was able to grab a few shots (her scrap book is going to be a good bit thinner than her sisters, I'm afraid!). If you have a magnifying glass you might be able to see her two teeth that match the two toes dug into the carpet in this first picture.
It seems just like yesterday that I was doing this kind of stuff with Aubrey, and now she has moved on to bigger and better (at least in her way of thinking...see post below.) Em's on the verge of crawling and life will take another crazy twist. But that's ok! I have 2 beautiful little people that are healthy and love me more than I deserve. I can't imagine life without them and was reminded again how necessary proper perspective really is!
And then there's my thumb sucker/sleep any time - any where . Like mother like daughter, I'm afraid! But hey, all that scooting around is hard work, don'tcha know!

Aubrey Micaiah

Big Sister and Big Dipper
Well, as you can see we love each other around here.
Daddy had the camera for some pastel hug shots (please ignore the morning lack-of -hair-do!!) Since adopting Tucker we have discovered that Aubrey is definitely an Alpha (fe)male. I'm just hoping she continues to direct it towards the puppy (who has gained 10 pounds in 4 weeks, thank you very much!) and not toward her little sister!
We have also ventured into the hallowed halls of potty training - serious mode. No more goofing around here, folks. We have gone more than an entire week now with no daytime diapers and only 3 -make that 4 - s to speak of. She can even get her little tuskus up on the potty without anyone's help. (She ally pushed the ring back when she climbed up for this attempt and mommy was mean enough to grab the camera.) And she LOVES her Curious George panties (David wants to know why they put Curious George on little ladies panties?!?!). We have made it through (among other activities) 3 church services, a Dollar Store and numerous Walmart runs, as well as to the vet and mommy's dr's appt (for the poison ivy! I know what some of you were thinking....NOT!!) Hopefully the trend will continue.
By the way...Any suggestions out there for getting them trained through the night? Her diapers are usually potty-logged by morning!!