Well, we've done it. We've gone to the "other side." We're now "One of them." We have added a new addition to our family and we'd like you to meet: Tucker.

That's right, you read correctly, I'm mom to a 10-week old puppy. As if Aubrey and Emma couldn't keep me busy enough. I guess I could say that we had to get David another male on the premises. We've been hunting for our "perfect pup" (just humor me, ok?) for several weeks now and we (hope) found him last Saturday. He has been fostered (can you believe that?!?!) for a couple of weeks with a family that has small children and they say he's the best pup they've had in years. They have him crate trained and he has been "altered" (that's the new terminology for...uh-oh, all gone!).
David and I decided we much prefer having 9 months to hammer out a name than just a few days. He wanted something German (Zwingli?) since the puppy is a Doberman mix (probably shepherd or lab). Some of my rather stellar suggestions included Luther, Hans, Schnitzel...(at this point I was crying I was laughing so hard). We thought we had decided on Logan (I talked him out of German) and then the other night he said, "Ya know, I'm really looking forward to getting this little tucker home" and I about jumped out of my chair: "Oh, I really like that - Tucker!" So then began the proverbial struggle over the final name. I'd ask Aubrey what we should name our puppy and one time she'd say Logan, the next time it would be Tucker. So, for today he's Tucker.

What prompted this decision? Well, if you really want to know, give me a call as I can't go into detail here. Let's just say we hope this little guy will deter uninvited guests and repeat offenders, and his adoption was encouraged by both police officers who visited us.
So, if you're up for helping with fence construction in the next few months, let me know! We'd be glad to have the extra hands or you could kid (or puppy) sit while the rest of us dig!
What a cutie! Let's hope he does the trick! And I love the name "Tucker!" it sounds perfect!
Hi guys! Your new addition is scrumtuous. And I'm not even that much of a dog person. I'll bet the girls love him.
So what happened with your "visitors"? We've had a lot on our plate lately (okay, perpetually), but I'm going to email you...soon. But I wanted to let you know I've been thinkin' of you.
Peace out,
Nicole Gerdes
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