Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy St. Patty's!

In honor of one of my adopted Chicago dads, a special St. Patrick's Day wish to one and all.
(It's either this annual homage to the Irish, or naming one of my children after him. With my husband comandeering the middle name, I'm just not sure Patrick Boaz would work real well.)
So, kick back and enjoy the grins:
What brew was in your bottle, Emma??
As you can see we've started Emma on the Irish rogaine therapy in hopes of preventing a permanently shiny scalp.
And Aubrey is balancing the act with the protestant orange for the family.
We have our irish limits, you know!


Debbie Griffin said...

How I wish I could see your little girls in person...they are so adorable in these pictures...I would have to love on them so much! How do you not just hug them all day long?!? BTW...the video on my blog...Sarah smiles at Daniel and then spits up in his face! He manages to get out of the way, but he yells, "Spit Up Attack!" as jumps out of the way!

Erin Neiner said... it just me or does Emma's hair look a bit red in those pictures!!! ;) So, so cute!! I emailed my mom to make sure my dad checks his email to get to this post! No doubt he would leave some corny Irish joke! I'm not sure he has come that far be able to leave a comment! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill, This is Dan Duelm.. Good to see you and your beautiful family are doing well. I and my wife, Renea and our 4 girls are too...get this.. Abby EMMA, AUBREY, and Ava! We are good namers don't you think! It would be great to "catch up"

Debbie Griffin said... know I was thinking...if you can the least she and Pat will have something in common if not a name! :-) Remember the pancake on Rhonda's head for our Franklin's anonymous skit at staffspiration! And Nancy leaning on the organ spoofing Phil?!? And those ridiculous sunglasses and goofy grin of mine?!? Those were the days! :-)