Saturday, September 29, 2007

Our Quarterly Post Marathon

Well, I finally have a real computer at home (it's d's work computer), and the blog is nice enough to give him a tool bar with which to post pictures, so here we go again. Since Emma's birthday we've had a lot going on. Let me try to catch you up, if you are at all interested (even if you're not, humor me here, folks!): There will be 8 posts following this one, so you might have to scroll to the next page to get everything. I worked backwards so the most recent will be the first post after this one. I told David, it's a good thing I don't have this computer all the time or the house would fall apart around can download pictures in less than 2 minutes, which takes our home computer more than 15 minutes to do. Yeah for technology!! (Especially when I am this far behind!)

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