Sunday, July 29, 2007

On the Blog Again

Ok, so I have a lot of catching up to do, to say the least. My wonderful husband was incredibly thoughtful and brought his laptop home with the blog loaded onto it so I could work from home this afternoon and see how much progress I can make in this overwhelming endeavor. In my blogspot absence I have taken to Facebook-ing, which has been a ton of fun catching up with former students and colleagues from years gone by. My very first contact (outside of Meredith who coerced me into joining the craze) was a little kindergartner I used to help cross the crosswalk when I was in high school. He's now in college and boy do I feel old! Anyway, that's what I've been doing in my blog-less time. Oh, that and taking pictures of 2 of my favorite people. So, I'll try to work my way back in my mind to April and keep things as chronologically organized as possible. Since being out-of-pocket we have (among other things) celebrated Easter, played outside, celebrated a first birthday, gone to the beach (as my husband mentioned earlier), experienced the Lazy5Ranch, and flown to visit grandma and grandpa in IL. Again, sorry for the delay, but it's great to be back, even if it is in a limited sense!

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